At 3/05/2005 08:49:00 AM,
Mandy said…
At 3/05/2005 08:39:00 PM,
RJ said…
Ha, this is a really good one. And I came across this short paragraph, which I find the sentences are really 好句...hehe, so just share it here with you all lar~
《星洲日報》社長丹斯里張曉卿於1月19日訪問棉蘭時在美德村的講話:“歷史的記憶,是一面鏡子,它讓我們看清了生命的光輝和充實,而生活中的遭遇,卻是一扇窗口,它讓我們有勇氣跨越眼前的重重障礙,也給了我們最寶貴的生活智慧。” (from http://www.sinchew-i.com/columns/index.phtml?sec=833&sdate=&artid=200502280449)
Haha, see...i still remember to cite the source so as not to plagiarise :p.
Anyway, I find what he said really meaningful, especially the one regarding life experiences...Hmm, guess that it's time to change my attitude? Chiu...i dont even know what kind of person i am...except being LAZY...haha, see...again, i waste my time talking nonsense...:p
Experiences that we face in life, do they necessarily make us stronger? I guess so. But if you are totally pessimistic about the world, all these won't make much a difference. Which one do I belong to? Brave and mature enough to take up the challenges in life? Or a coward who just limits himself in his little own world, and feels that the world isn't a suitable place for him? I wonder. Sometimes I feel that there are still hopes in the world, but sometimes cruel realities make me change my perception. I'm not only referring to studies here, but other instances as well. Try to see the world around you, crimes rule! But the criminals manage to flee... Wars, starvation, and the list goes on...Just can't help thinking how this world will turn out to be. A better place to stay at?? Nah, let's wait and see...
P/S: Hahaha, I don't really know what I've typed..feel like deleting, but then...hai, i've spent sometime typing, so, better not to waste my effort...hehe :-D
At 3/07/2005 04:39:00 PM,
Mandy said…
Ren Jie! you can be a philosopher! You have such a deep view of life..got potential got potential.. :P
At 3/07/2005 09:30:00 PM,
RJ said…
Hahaha, I'm just crapping, and I believed I wrote this when I was not really conscious...so, haha, no further comment.
Philosopher? I've always wanted to be one :-P Kidding...better not to be one lar, easy to become mad when you think too much, hehe
At 3/08/2005 12:02:00 AM,
Wearn said…
I am thinking of taking philosophy class next quarter.. but heard ppl say it's very hard and subjective. Should I take? What class should I take? pening man...
At 3/08/2005 06:58:00 AM,
RJ said…
Yeah, I've heard that philosophy is one of the hardest classes...It requires a lot of reading and writing, just like an English class :p. But then, it should be fun to take, as you'll read and learn a lot. Do you have something call pass/fail, which you can take the class, but then your CGPA will not be affected by how well you do in the class?? If so, take it as a pass/fail subject.
At 3/08/2005 08:44:00 PM,
RJ said…
嗯, 还记得《小孩不笨》里头一首歌的歌词吗? 整首歌的词应该是这样唱的...
谁会愿意听到: 你真的好笨?
有些收获不在终点 只在过程
歌词挺有意思的...每每听到或想到这首歌, 心中都会有所感触及感慨...应该用来勉励自己吧. 给自己多一个机会, 总会达到目的吧? 机会是自己创造的, 有必要时, 何不多给自己和别人一次机会, 让自己和他人能够弥补不足的地方?
At 3/08/2005 09:38:00 PM,
Wearn said…
说到机会嘛,我就想起了我的前室友(雯,不是讲你啦)。“何不多给自己和别人一次机会, 让自己和他人能够弥补不足的地方? ”你说得很对,因为我给了她和自己一个机会,我们又是朋友了。:D 不管你们名不明白,现在如果她主动叫声我的名字然后和我讲一个笑话,我就会暗暗开心的笑……刚来这里时多么怕大家见面尴尬……现在不担心了。这样,不是挺好么?:)ren jie 你的华语名怎么写?:D 你懂不懂我在讲什么?不懂就跳过啦……
At 3/09/2005 08:08:00 AM,
Mandy said…
ren jie 是仁杰。他的名字很容易猜吧。难道你想成:人姐,任街,认姐,忍解,刃节。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 仁杰你别生气!
At 3/09/2005 09:09:00 AM,
RJ said…
Haha, yeah, you are right, Shu Shien, 仁杰 is my chinese name :-)
Erm, wearn, i think i've my chinese name displayed in my MSN, right? :D
At 3/09/2005 10:44:00 AM,
Wearn said…
哇,真的是仁杰,很闷一下哦…… :D No offence.. 我还以为是忍者,比较有型。:D
认街-tau jalan
仁杰,你要不要考虑换换名字? :D
At 3/09/2005 11:32:00 AM,
RJ said…
Haha, so far, given all the other alternatives of name that you suggested, I still prefer the name given by my parents, hehe...Cannot simply change your name lar, this is an insult to your parents lorh...:D
By the way, I'm just an ordinary person, so no point having those glorious name, right? Haha, prefer to stay normal and ordinary :-)
At 3/09/2005 03:43:00 PM,
Wearn said…
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