Shien, Wearn, Wooen, Xin
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At 3/13/2005 09:21:00 AM, Mandy said…
I tell you what...rochester's spring will be beautiful too!! it comes late only...why not you come over here ler..
At 3/13/2005 05:20:00 PM, RJ said…
I hope the spring in Ann Arbor will be nice too :-). But then, it just snowed 2 days ago, and the weather forecast says that it'll be snowing in the coming few days...Aihh...sien nia..
Looking forward to spring ans summer...but then, someone spoiled my mood saying that the summer here won't be too nice, as the temperature will shoot up to above 30'C, and it will be very dry...Heck...so, that means, no good weather in Umich?
At 3/13/2005 10:40:00 PM, Wearn said…
Don't be sad Renjie.. in summer, the temp here will shoot up to 40+.. If die also I die first. haha.. I must enjoy while the weather is still good now..
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