
A comfortable bird nest for a tall bird, a short but perfect bird, a wooden bird and a cute little bird.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

欠扁IQ题 (2)

1. 郑成功的母亲叫什么?
2. 孙中山先生死后, 中国会有什么变化?
3. 五月五日是端午节,是伟大诗人屈原投江的日子,那么五月十二日是什么日子?
4. 先有男人,还是先有女人?
5. 中国人最早的姓氏是什么?
6. 世界上什么样的海最大?
7. 为什么大部份佛教徒都在北半球?

Haha. I guess these are comparatively easy, some are nonsense though, think from a nonsensical perspective and you'll get the answers. Try to enjoy! :-D


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