2004年SPM成績終於公佈,許多華裔考生在獲悉考獲幾乎全A1的興奮心情下驚悉本身蠻有把握考獲華文科 A1成績竟滑落至A2,影響了申請JPA獎學金的良機。隨即而來的是家長的指責聲,罵孩子為何選考華文,以致JPA獎學金泡湯;考生一臉的無奈與驚愕,不 相信自己只考獲A2,竟警告學弟、學妹千萬別選考華文;華文教師都在質疑有關當局的評分標準。本人更加驚愕,300名考生,只有3名獲A1,百餘名獲 A2。
翻閱報章報導,國文A1,也有10%,英文6.6%,為何華文只有1.2%?華裔考生應用了十多年華文功力竟然還不如英文成績?有 關當局華文組應向全體華 文科考生作一個明確的交代。你們虧欠了考生:第一,考試格式遲至2004年2月中才公佈,考生的準備時間不足;第二,考題中的名句精華竟然出現錯字,圖表 的資訊又含糊不清。既然這是考試局的錯誤,你們還提高A1的分數來打壓考生,公理何在?你們獲得ISO的標準規格又去了哪裡?
據本人學生 的回饋,超過90%以上考生都能在試卷(二)的客觀題獲得滿分,意謂著許多考生在試卷(二)上考獲90分以上,加上試卷(一)的分數,總平均都 在90分以上。考試局A1固打為1.2%,如此一推測,也就是考獲90分以下者全無資格獲A1。天呀!如果這推測準確的話,那麼大馬華裔考生在考華文科豈 不是人人都要成為語文天才,才有資格問鼎A1?
至 於尊貴的教育部長說全A生滑落了約30%,不知問題出在哪裡,必須專人研究。只要研究,華文一科其定分標準是否高到離譜,就知道原因何在。華基政黨必須 重視此次華文成績的影響力和所產生的殺傷力。全體考華文的考生家長們也應針對此課題發表意見,以達集思廣益之效,則幸甚矣!(作者為輔導中心講師)
翻閱報章報導,國文A1,也有10%,英文6.6%,為何華文只有1.2%?華裔考生應用了十多年華文功力竟然還不如英文成績?有 關當局華文組應向全體華 文科考生作一個明確的交代。你們虧欠了考生:第一,考試格式遲至2004年2月中才公佈,考生的準備時間不足;第二,考題中的名句精華竟然出現錯字,圖表 的資訊又含糊不清。既然這是考試局的錯誤,你們還提高A1的分數來打壓考生,公理何在?你們獲得ISO的標準規格又去了哪裡?
據本人學生 的回饋,超過90%以上考生都能在試卷(二)的客觀題獲得滿分,意謂著許多考生在試卷(二)上考獲90分以上,加上試卷(一)的分數,總平均都 在90分以上。考試局A1固打為1.2%,如此一推測,也就是考獲90分以下者全無資格獲A1。天呀!如果這推測準確的話,那麼大馬華裔考生在考華文科豈 不是人人都要成為語文天才,才有資格問鼎A1?
至 於尊貴的教育部長說全A生滑落了約30%,不知問題出在哪裡,必須專人研究。只要研究,華文一科其定分標準是否高到離譜,就知道原因何在。華基政黨必須 重視此次華文成績的影響力和所產生的殺傷力。全體考華文的考生家長們也應針對此課題發表意見,以達集思廣益之效,則幸甚矣!(作者為輔導中心講師)
Source: http://www.sinchew-i.com/columns/index.phtml?sec=15&sdate=&artid=200503152071
Came across this commentary in Sin Chew Daily.
I fully agree with what the writer says. What's wrong with the marking system for SPM Chinese?
Each and every year, there have always been numerous cases where many chinese students fail to get A1 in Chinese, thus, they are disqualified to be straight A1 scorers and hence, being at a disadvantage when applying for scholarships.
I have known a lot of friends who are really good at Mandarin, but failed to get A1 in Chinese. In my batch, 4 friends of mine who were the representatives of Perlis in the Ujian Bertulis Bahasa Cina Peringkat Kebangsaan failed to get A1 in Chinese. Heck...their chinese command is among the best in my state, but what things turned out to be? An A2 in Chinese.
In 2003 batch, the same thing happened again. There were only 2 0r 3 students from my school got A1 in Chinese. The most recent bactch, from what I heard, only 2 managed to get A1 in Chinese. What's going wrong here???????
I really don't like such a situation. This will only discourage students to take Chinese in SPM, as the chance of getting an A1 is quite slim. Not being able to be a straight A1 scorer will definitely ruin the chances of getting scholarships....Many people will give up taking chinese by then...No no no...I can't imagine less and less students taking Chinese....Hey, this is our mother tongue, our language, our root.....NEVER GIVE UP TAKING CHINESE!!!!
At 3/15/2005 09:17:00 PM,
RJ said…
It's ok...haha, yeah, i know...doesnt take chinese in spm doesnt mean that you give up chinese...but this is just my personal hope la...hope that more and more people will appreciate chinese..hehe :-)
At 3/16/2005 12:07:00 AM,
Wearn said…
It's sad to know so few ppl got A1 in spm. I heard some very good students in my school didn't get A1 too. In my year, only 2 ppl got A1, wei ping and me. :D But I do not agree that they set such a high score for A1. For other subjects like BM and BI, the curve makes the A1 score low. They are extremely not generous when curving the chinese graph. Sad. Sad. Sad. I think this certainly affect the number of ppl who take chinese in the coming years..
At 3/16/2005 08:06:00 AM,
Mandy said…
Yeah..I am truly depressed to see such a dangerous trend going on in our country. Malaysian education system always emphasizes on As..what people care is just A..sad..I love chinese...even though chinese is a mandatory subject in my secondary school, i have never regreted taking it. Honestly, even if my secondary school did not force her students to take chinese in SPM, I would still take it. Not to show anything, it's my language..i was born with it..every single word of chinese has its own history and meanings...it exists in the world for more than 5000 years..it tells us the histories, legends, stories of Ancient China..again and again makes me indulge in the endless imagination and fantasy while reading those masterpieces by great writers... it's such a beautiful language..and now...it's blamed to make a student lose getting full A1s..wa... :( 此行差矣,差矣,呜呼哀哉!
At 3/16/2005 08:11:00 AM,
Mandy said…
by the way..in SPM 2002, quite a lot of my friends (but not many la..i forgot the actual number..should be more than 5..)got A1 in chinese...I am proud to shout that i got an A1 for chinese.. :P We speak pasar chinese, but we write standard chinese..hehehehe..i listen no complaints from my old schoolmates about chinese...appreciation was still alive in my school that time..
However, shameful to say, it's been a long time i dont write and read chinese....hai..english is too 'water'
At 3/16/2005 08:15:00 AM,
Mandy said…
i missed my secondary school life...we wrote chinese poems, prose, proof-read for each other and gave comments...it's just kind of amateurism..we did it for our pleasure..it's fun..hehehehe...
At 3/16/2005 10:17:00 AM,
RJ said…
Yeah, I'm proud to say that I'm among the lucky ones who got A1 for chinese in my batch (there are many friends who are of the same standard of me, if not better than me, only got A2)...
I also kind of miss the days in secondary school...even though not as exciting as Shu Shien's one. We were more towards debating and using irony and sarcasm and proverbs and other "flowerish" language to communicate. Well, communicate, most of the time, means "shoot". Wahahaha, really enjoyed the time together. Always used those "high-level" chinese until not many people could catch what we were saying. Darn syiok and fun!!!!
Writing-wise, hehe, just write whenever i feel writing lar, but then, it's sorta private, all about rambling and grumbling about life...:( Or sometimes, comment on lyrics...:p kinda wu liao...hehe
At 3/16/2005 10:23:00 AM,
RJ said…
Actually this issue (very few people get A1 in chinese) also causes some responses among recomers...(still remember what www.recom.org is?)
Can have a look at what others think if interested.
At 3/16/2005 02:07:00 PM,
Mandy said…
Haiyo..it means bad...what sap sap water...
Actually getting A1 in Chinese is not as complicated as people think..when i was in form 5, even though i was not truly and fully confident, but i was sure that i wont get a B for my chinese...the worst would be A2..hehehe..i am not arrogant..not showing off anything la..But i am surprised to i got A1 for english..hahahahahahahahahaha..really a big surprise.. :P
haha..yes..we also liked to 'shoot' people with our own invented words which came from what we just learnt..very very funny...very very nice...it's just a world of chinese..nice nice..reality is that the world is a place where many languages exist and chinese doesnt dominate entirely. hai... we never had a chance to learn physics, chemistry or other subjects in our own language.
At 3/16/2005 02:12:00 PM,
Mandy said…
Ren Jie..i did the same thing as what u did! When I was not happy, I would just write sth on the paper..let the tears drop on the paper..wah~~so romantic! :P after putting everything unlucky and sad on the paper, i would feel better..
tell u guys one funny story..i forgot when..i was very sad..(i also forgot why i was sad, well, i dun like to remember why i was sad), i wrote my feelings on one piece of paper..i spent quite a long time on it. when i finished everything, guess what i did?? hehe..i just burned it and buried it at my backyard..(my mum said that i was crazy...)
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