
A comfortable bird nest for a tall bird, a short but perfect bird, a wooden bird and a cute little bird.

Friday, April 01, 2005


Happy April Fool to everyone!! I think I am getting older because april fool doesn't mean anything to me anymore. No one play jokes on me and neither do I play jokes on others. Sign of 20th. lol. Happy weekend everyone (Although one precious one hour is going to be taken away) !!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

oh my god!!!

OH NO!! where's my template? who changed my template? OH!!! I spent so much time editing the html and posting the pictures!! Did you save a copy of it before changing it? My flickr is gone! my profile pictures are gone! my chat box is gone! my counter is gone! All my special side bar sections are gone! OH.................................

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Life is unpredictable..love is the key..

在我家附近,開了一家新的麥當勞。耀眼的M字招牌,馬上變成了一個顯> 目的指標,無論是指引車子裡的司機,還是指引肚子裡的蛔蟲。而我,因為一直在外面求學的關係,所以始終沒有機會踏入這間距離我家, 僅只100公尺的世界級小,麥當勞。 直到那一天,我回家的那天,媽媽剛好回了澎湖,姐姐則去參加台南的朋友婚宴,平常食物香氣不斷的廚房,登時空蕩起來。偌大的家,剩下我一個。於 是,我下了決心,踏入就在我家隔壁的黃色大,麥當勞。

推開門,裡頭還是那樣清潔的讓人心曠神怡,麥當勞叔叔掛著親切的笑容迎接著我。於是,我點了一號餐,非常輕鬆愉快的找了一張靠窗的座位坐下,吃著 美味的漢堡,思考著麥當勞為什麼會風靡全台灣的原因。 因為麥當勞行銷策略是針對「小孩」吧。再也沒有什麼偉大的願望,能比得上小孩滿足笑容的。

突然,我看到了兩個人,他們在一瞬間就吸引了我的注意力。因為他們跟這間整潔嶄新的建築物,一點都不搭配。他們是一個父親,還有一個小孩。父親身上泛黃的襯衫,東破了一個洞,西破了一個洞,沾滿了不知道是汽油還是黑油的油漬,一張臉略顯消瘦,尤其是被太陽不斷洗禮的皮膚,更顯得他飽受風霜,如果我沒猜錯,他應該是個工人吧。 而小孩跟他父親比起來,並不算太瘦,但是若是跟麥當勞裡頭,任何一個握著飛機跑來跑去的小朋友來比,他實在太黑太小了。兩個人,慢慢的走進了麥當勞,從他們遲疑的步伐和四處張望的態度,可以猜測他們應該是第一次來到這種速 食店。

「我們要一份薯條,一杯可樂,還要兩個豬肉堡...」父親結結巴巴的說著,「總共150元。」店員臉上依然是麥當勞招牌微笑。「150元?好...好...」父親低下頭,用那隻又黑又髒的手,在口袋裡不斷的掏著,叮噹叮噹,一口袋的銅板,都撒在潔白的點餐桌上。父親拿著銅板,慢慢的數著。「10元,20元,30元,40元,50元,55元,56元....」店員倒還沈的住氣,依然微笑,等待著顧客將手上的零錢點清。可是我已 經看到幾個排在他們後面的年輕人,露出了不耐煩的表情。

突然,原本都不說話的小朋友,拉著父親髒破的襯衫,嚷著,「爸爸,我要那個車車,人家要那台車車....」「車車玩具啊?」父親瞇著眼睛看了看那台玩具,又轉頭問店員,「請問> 加這玩具要多少錢?」> 「要50元喔。」店員聲音微微提高,不知道是提醒父親,他手上的零錢可 能不夠支付,還是為了讓他知難而退。父親沒有說話,只是露出了為難的表情。幾條皺紋被擠在他烏黑的額頭 上,嘴角卻揚起了一陣苦笑。這樣的表情,好深刻。讓我幾乎忍不住,想放下了手上的漢堡,拿出還在> 我口袋的五十元。可是最後,我卻沒動,因為我想知道父親的選擇.

那.....小姐,抱歉....我不要那個漢堡了,一個漢堡就好了。」店員遲疑了一下,很快的按下更改鍵,一個可能是父親這輩子唯一一次吃到的漢堡,變成了一個玩具汽車。也在這個時候,父親點完了錢,他收起了僅剩在桌上的兩三個零錢,一手端起那個木質的盤子。另一手則牽起了小朋友的手。慢慢的走向他們的座位,那瞬間,我看到了身為父親的驕傲。原本屈婁的身體,突然變得挺拔起來。而他的小朋 友好興奮,不斷的跳著笑著,發出撲嚕撲嚕的汽車聲音,玩著他的新玩具。我睜著眼睛,偷偷地看著他們。父親什麼都沒吃,只是掛著非常滿足的微笑,看著興奮異常的小朋友,一會玩玩具,一會抓著薯條,用各種姿勢品嚐這份得來不易的美食。我靜靜的看著,突然發現,我必須找個地方,找隻筆,或許是網路,記載下當時父親的表情。

他瞇著眼睛,非常疼惜的看著他眼前的小朋友,那幾道皺紋又在他的額頭上縮緊,只是這次,他是真的笑了。不再是苦笑。而是一種非常滿足的笑容。 為什麼麥當勞能夠席捲全世界?因為父母的愛,能夠席捲全世界。我彷彿感受到了他那份滿足,低下頭,笑著把我手上的漢堡吃完。

【後段】我吃完了漢堡,終於拿出了我口袋裡的五十元,走到了櫃台。 「請再給我一個漢...」我話才說到一半,卻發現... 那個年輕的女店員已經從後面端出了一個剛出爐的漢堡,對我微微一笑,然後離開櫃台,走向父子坐的那張餐桌。走過我身旁的時候,她還不忘俏皮的眨了 眨眼睛。「這個漢堡,已經有人訂了。」


I got this forwarded main from ching wooen..eyes were filled with tears..what a touching story..It reminds me that love still exists in this world...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Something to ponder---

在这一刻我感觉到内心突然涌出的羞愧。曾经的我肤浅地为自己争辩, 认为生命中拥有比上课考试之外更多值得体验的东西,如今看穿了,那不外是偶尔放纵, 逃避责任而为自己编写的堂皇借口。 因为,用心学习始终是学生的本分。

I came across these few sentences at a blog, and feel that I somehow think about the same as the blogger, viewing that "生命中拥有比上课考试之外更多值得体验的东西". Many a time, I tell myself that there are more important things other than studies and exams. Hence, I let myself slack off a lot. Is this sort of an excuse to escape from homework, assignments, and exams? I've no idea. I just really feel that exams aren't the most important things. I still have my family, my relatives, my friends...whom I need to spend time to treasure and cherish. And still, there is the meaning of life, the purpose of life which I've been seeking for years!! So, comparatively, exams to me, aren't my priorities. But, is what I said before the excuse to make me feel better for not doing well in my studies? Seriously, I don't know. But what I know is that I am so sick of sitting for exams. Studying itself is ok, but when it comes to tests or exams, I just feel an unease deep inside me, maybe I'm too vulnerable to know that actually I don't really understand a material and won't do well...?
I've tried convincing myself that exams are not everything. Yet, I, myself, am still entrapped in exams. And I continue to exert pressure on my little brother to do well in his studies, to excel in his exams and so forth. What am I actually thinking? I'm confused...

Feeling bored...

Hmm, it's just a random post, don't beat me up for being so wu liao, ok?
The midterm on Friday was over finally. Man, it's killing me; I went for it unprepared, and only God knows how I fared in this midterm... I was really doubtful about whether I've answered any questions correctly...Anyway, it all has passed, and why to care so much? I'll know how I did when I get back my paper, and hopefully, I won't be shocked to death upon seeing the marks I get :p
Just get too bored after the midterm. Actually there are still many things to be done. But I'm just too lazy to start working on them, as I just escape from the torturous midterms and I don't want to feel miserable again...Help me out there, help me, HELP ME GET RID OF EXAMS!!!!!!
Xin, Wearn, Wooen, what's the feeling of being 20? I don't really know. I've always known that this day will eventually come, the day of no longer being a teenager. So, what's the life of a 20-year-old? Enlighten me please...

P/S: Huhuhu, seriously, don't beat me up for this post. :p I admit, I'm a little bit insane by now...as I've homework and assignments due really soon, and I haven't started on them... Just want to ramble and grumble and...you know what I mean. Is this a sign of what an old person will do? LOL